You have to think out loud to generate ideas

 The Art of thinking out loud and generating ideas

If you’ve ever worked in a team, you know that sometimes people have different perspectives on the same problem or idea. That’s why it’s so important to have people on your team who have different skills and experience.

If you’re a new employee, it might help to know that there are several ways to contribute to a team. One way is to take on specific projects. But even with that, each project requires you to have different skill sets.

If you’re a musculus, or “muscular mind” employee, you can use your skills to contribute to a team in a more general way. 

This means you can think out loud and generate new ideas. But how? Here’s how.

What is musculation?


Musculation is the process of thinking out loud while working on a project or in an organization. It’s similar to brainstorming, but instead of speaking only with your mouth, you’re talking through your muscles.

You can also call it “thinking out loud,” but the mutation is the key ingredient.



Think about how you spend your downtime. Do you mostly sit in front of a computer, eat snacks, or just taltalkth coworkers? Probably not. You probably do some CrossFit or MMA training, or try to keep your brain active by thinking about new ways to improve your work.


There are many cases in which thinking out loud and generating ideas are a great way to stay connected with your team and a great way to spark new ideas. If you only talk with your mouth, you might not get as much out of it.

These are also some ways that musculation can help advance your career.


How to Musculation: The Art of thinking out loud and generating ideas


Think out loud: First things first, let’s get this part out of the way. No, you cannot just start talking while you’re working. That’s not how it works. You have to think out loud to generate ideas. The first step is to acknowledge that you’re thinking. When you’re faced with a problem, situation, or challenge, instead of immediately going into “action mode,” say to yourself, “I’m trying to think here.”

This might sound simple, but it’s crucial to generating ideas. You’re trying to avoid thinking “how to do X,” which is often a really good indicator that you don’t need to do X for your company or project.



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